Mar 11, 2023Liked by Jamie Dlux πŸ›ΈπŸ’¨

I knew 2 gay men in the 80s, one was 23, vibrant and in a monogamous relationship- the other 39 who'd been living high risk lifestyle for years. They were both diagnosed with HIV and the younger got on the drugs. Immediately he began to deteriorate and ultimately died looking like a skeleton with skin, unrecognizable in hospice. The other also diagnosed at the same time with HIV didn't go on the drugs for years and was seemingly fine until he was told something that spurred him to start the drugs wherein he also went downhill rapidly and died. I came to realize back then that the AZT and other AIDS drugs were the killers.

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Mar 11, 2023Liked by Jamie Dlux πŸ›ΈπŸ’¨

Great video, Jamie!

How about a similar one for CxNVID? 😊

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Can you do a video on in 2023 in Canada an unvaxxed daughter has to sneak into the hospital to visit her mother because the hospitals still have a mandatory vaccine policy for visitors. People are dying alone & no one in the media will say anything about it. I think it has something to do with Mckesson Pharmaceutical and it'd connection to warp speed.. Oh and the so called free healthcare has it's small town hospital ER's all closing down on weekends.

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There is a problem with the T cells. Why?

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